Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

Przyrodnicze ograniczenia wyboru kierunku zagospodarowania terenów pogórniczych — Natural constraints of choosing determined directions of post-mining development / Andrzej PAULO // Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi = Mineral Resources Management ; ISSN 0860-0953. — 2008 — t. 24 z. 2/3, s. 9–40. — Bibliogr. s. 36–39, Streszcz., Abstr. — WARSZTATY GÓRNICZE z cyklu „Zagrożenia naturalne w górnictwie” pod patronatem Głównego Geologa Kraju dr. Henryka Jacka Jezierskiego oraz Prezesa Wyższego Urzędu Górniczego dr. inż. Piotra Buchwalda : konferencja naukowa : Baranów Sandomierski, 18–20 czerwca 2008 / Wyższy Urząd Górniczy, Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią Polskiej Akademii Nauk. — Kraków : IGSMiE PAN, 2008


Słowa kluczowe

EN: decision criteriapost mining areasnatural conditionsrevitalizationreclamation
PL: rekultywacjawarunki przyrodniczerewitalizacjakryteria decyzyjnetereny pogórnicze

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP40419
Data dodania do BaDAP2008-10-03
Rok publikacji2008
Typ publikacjireferat w czasopiśmie
Otwarty dostęptak
Czasopismo/seriaGospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management


Reclamation of post-mining lots depends principally on natural conditions existing in the mining area: ground water level and inflow, slope inclination, climate and available soil-forming material. The presence of unexploited mineral resources remaining in the lots calls for protection, i.e. such development which will allow future access to it. Other important constraints are: dimensions of the open pits, waste dumps, and total mine area, as well as land-use in surrounding grounds. In the urbanized areas socio-economic and geographic factors appear more important than natural constraints. In Europe usually bio-reclamation has been preferred resulting in creation arable lands, forest grounds or water ponds. Natural conditions indispensable in obtaining success arc generally known there. These conditions and constraints of alternative land use are presented in the main body of the paper. They include water conditions and drainage, slope inclination, local climate and exposure, soil-forming properties of superficial grounds, and compatibility of multifunctional land-use. The pledge that the nature will be reintroduced helps in social acceptance of environmental impact statements and further mining projects. In alternative revitalization types, such as formation of industrial, housing, service sector, and recreational-sport grounds combined with land shaping, the reconstruction of productive soil is of minor importance. General economic, social, cultural, juridical, and technological factors play also their role there. Decision making process on post-mining development is complex and multicriterial one. Two approaches are observed. The are attempts to rank the factors and determine the criteria of optimal type of redevelopment and establishing standard procedures. On the other hand an individual set of conditions in a mine site stimulates creativity of designers and leads to such projects, which are functional and well composed with the local environment. Tools for alternative project selection were described. Present author postulates demanding by local governments clear specification of post-mining development in the mining projects, an early search for developers/users of the post-mining lots, better education of local administration and mass media about revitalization potential and constraints.

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