Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

A method of recovering $Pt, Pd, Rh, Au$ from highly diluted aqueous solutions and a system for recovering $Pt, Pd, Rh, Au$ from higly diluted aqueous solutions / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie ; wynalazca: WOJNICKI Marek, KOŁCZYK-SIEDLECKA Karolina, KOWALIK Remigiusz, ŻABIŃSKI Piotr. — Int.Cl.: C22B 3/00(2006.01). — European Patent Office. — Opis zgłoszeniowy wynalazku ; EP4249614A1 ; Opubl. 2023-09-27. — Zgłosz. nr EP22211460A z dn. 2022-12-05

Autorzy (4)

Słowa kluczowe

EN: platinumactivated carbonrhodiummicrowavesgoldrecyclingrecoveryaqueous solutionswaterpalladium
PL: rodwodamikrofalezłotoodzyskwęgiel aktywnypalladroztwory wodneplatynarecykling

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP150842
Data dodania do BaDAP2024-01-05
Tekst źródłowyURL
Rok publikacji2023
Typ publikacjizgłoszenie patentowe
Otwarty dostęptak


The method of recovering Pt, Pd, Rh, Au from a highly diluted waste aqueous solution containing up to 100 mg/dm3 of the precious metals Pt, Pd, Rh, Au is that the waste aqueous solution at a temperature of 19-40°C, after establishing its pH>1, is introduced continuously at a rate of 0.5 - 50000 ml/min into an activated carbon bed placed in a sorption column, located inside a microwave reactor, and heated by microwave radiation until the solution temperature reaches 200-240°C. The frequency of microwave radiation is 1-3000 GHz, while the power of the microwave reactor is 200-100000 W. At the same time, the pressure inside the column is continuously measured and maintained in the range of 4-50 bar, and the content of precious metals in the output solution remaining after the process is monitored. Advantageously, the process is carried out until the carbon is completely saturated with precious metals. The invention also relates to a system for recovering Pt, Pd, Rh, Au from a highly diluted waste aqueous solution, in which an input tank (1) is connected to a high-pressure pump (2), behind which a heat exchanger (3) is located, which is connected on one side to a sorption column (4), in the form of a tube filled with a solid bed of activated carbon, located inside a microwave reactor (5), and on the other side to a backpressure regulator (6), behind which is located an output tank (7). All components of the system are connected to a central unit (8), in which process parameters are controlled.

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dokument patentowy
Sposób odzysku $Pt, Pd, Rh, Au$ z silnie rozcieńczonych roztworów wodnych i układ do odzysku $Pt, Pd, Rh, Au$ z silnie rozcieńczonych roztworów wodnych — [A method of recovering $Pt, Pd, Rh, Au$ from highly diluted aqueous solutions and a system for recovering $Pt, Pd, Rh, Au$ from higly diluted aqueous solutions] / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie ; wynalazca: Marek WOJNICKI, Karolina KOŁCZYK-SIEDLECKA, Remigiusz KOWALIK, Piotr ŻABIŃSKI. — Int.Cl.: C22B 7/00(2006.01). — Urząd Patentowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. — Opis zgłoszeniowy wynalazku ; PL440757A1 ; Opubl. 2023-10-02. — Zgłosz. nr P.440757 z dn. 2022-03-25