Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

An on-line diagnostics application for evaluation of machine vibration based on standard ISO 10816-1 / Karol Listewnik, Grzegorz Grzeczka, Maciej KŁACZYŃSKI, Witold CIOCH // Journal of Vibroengineering ; ISSN 1392-8716. — 2015 — vol. 17 iss. 8, s. 4248–4258. — Bibliogr., Abstr.

Autorzy (4)

Słowa kluczowe

virtual instrumentationdiagnostic systemparameter estimationmechanical engineering computingevaluation parametersvibrations

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP95358
Data dodania do BaDAP2016-02-04
Rok publikacji2015
Typ publikacjiartykuł w czasopiśmie
Otwarty dostęptak
Czasopismo/seriaJournal of Vibroengineering


Machines that generate vibroacoustic processes are tested at every stage of their life cycle. Since the greatest changes in the level of machines' pulsation are occurring during the exploitation, vibration parameters are often used to evaluate their operation. Many years of research, whose results and conclusions are contained in the standards give a good methodological tool to assess the state of machines. The most commonly used standard is ISO 10816-1. Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of mechanical vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts - Part 1: General guidelines. On the other hand, the standard itself is not enough, the current monitoring parameters contained in the standard requires to hold or construction of easily configurable system for measuring, analyzing and archiving. This paper describes the work includes the methods of the measurement, the concepts of the measurement system and the method of the calculation, algorithm and software applications named VibroTest, created in National Instrument LabVIEW Environment. This authors system allows assessment of the machine under test, based on the signals generated by the tested machine.

Publikacje, które mogą Cię zainteresować

Real-time LabVIEW application for diagnostics and evaluation of machine vibration / Karol Listewnik, Grzegorz Grzeczka, Maciej KŁACZYŃSKI, Witold CIOCH // Vibroengineering Procedia ; ISSN 2345-0533. — 2015 — vol. 6, s. 104–108. — Bibliogr. s. 108, Abstr. — International conference "Vibroengineering - 2015", Katowice, 14–15 October 2015