Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

Transgraniczny geopark Karpaty fliszowe i ich wody mineralne — Flysch Carpathians and their mineral waters cross-border geopark / Krzysztof MIŚKIEWICZ, Jan GOLONKA, Anna WAŚKOWSKA, Marek DOKTOR, Tadeusz SŁOMKA // Przegląd Geologiczny ; ISSN 0033-2151. — 2011 — t. 59 nr 9, s. 611–621, 643. — Bibliogr. s. 621, Abstr.

Autorzy (5)

Słowa kluczowe

valorizationOuter Carpathiansgeotourismgeoparkflyschmineral watersspa

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP61981
Data dodania do BaDAP2011-11-08
Tekst źródłowyURL
Rok publikacji2011
Typ publikacjiartykuł w czasopiśmie
Otwarty dostęptak
Creative Commons
Czasopismo/seriaPrzegląd Geologiczny


The occurrence of mineral waters and related spas constitutes the leading theme of the projected geopark: Flysch Carpathians and their mineral waters. The geopark is located on the Beskid Sądecki and Beskid Niski area on the Polish side. It is situate in the area of the occurrence of three Carpathian units: Magura Nappe (the major part of the area), which includes Krynica, Bystrica, Racza and Siary tectonic-facies zones; Silesian Nappe and Grybów Unit. Besides mineral waters, the geodiversity of the area is defined by well exposed flysch rocks profiles including clastic type localities of the Magura Nappe described in the XIX century pioneers of geological investigations. The landslide morphology, attractive geomorphological forms like waterfalls, diversified river valleys, tors as well as places connected with history and tradition of exploration and exploitation of Carpathian hydrocarbons fields. The type localities of profiles of Grybów, Siary and Krynica Units as well as Łabowa Variegated Shales, Beloveza and Malcov formations. All these elements represent geotouristical attractions with high potential. They will be included in the network of preserved geosites within the projected geopark. The analysis of proposed geopark Flysch Carpathians and their mineral waters indicates high degree of diversification of natural values, especially geodiversity as well as richness of historical-cultural heritage. The preservation and protection methods are also diversified. This region represents unique geoenvironmental and historical values on the European scale, therefore providing good chances for establishment of geopark. The proposition of geopark with mineral waters and related spas in the Flysch Carpathians is first such project in the world. The documentation of geosites was already gathered during this stage of work, it requires only actualization, minor additions and construction of unified database. The evaluation of the actual touristic infrastructure provided also generally positive results, only the eastern part of geopark requires additional investments and promotion.

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