Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

Problemy gospodarki zasobami środowiska w okolicy Kanionu Colca, Peru — Problems of the environmental resources management around Colca Canyon, Peru / Andrzej GAŁAŚ // Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi = Mineral Resources Management ; ISSN 0860-0953. — 2008 — t. 24 z. 2/2, s. 135–152. — Bibliogr. s. 150, Streszcz., Abstr. — Konferencja naukowa pt. „Problemy gospodarki zasobami środowiska” : z okazji 48-lecia pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej i 70-lecia urodzin Prof. dr. hab. inż. Andrzeja Paulo : Kraków, 24–25 kwietnia 2008 / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica. Wydział Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska. Katedra Analiz Środowiskowych, Kartografii i Geologii Gospodarczej. — Kraków : Wydawnictwo IGSMiE PAN, cop. 2008


Słowa kluczowe

EN: buffer zonenational parkenvironmental protectionValley of Volcanoessustainable developmentPeruColca Canyon
PL: Kanion ColcaPeruochrona środowiskapark narodowyrozwój zrównoważonystrefa buforowaDolina Wulkanów

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP43562
Data dodania do BaDAP2009-02-12
Rok publikacji2008
Typ publikacjireferat w czasopiśmie
Otwarty dostęptak
Czasopismo/seriaGospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management


Development of mining, agriculture and tourism and related infrastructure in the region of Colca Canyon endangers environment of this deepest canyon worldwide. There is urgent need of balancing landuse development by protection of the most valuable areas and prooving their importance to the world heritage of nature. Several gold and silver mines currently operated by Buenaventura and Hochschild to the north of Rio Colca Canyon and the Valley of the Volcanoes. Geological structure of ore deposits is given along with history, production activity, perspectives and environmental impact. Studies performed by the Polish Scientific Expedition to Peru with profesor Andrzej Paulo as a leader, since 2003 arc aimed at project of the Canyon Colca and Valley of Volcanoes National Park. This park should protect unique section of the orogenic belt more than 100 kin long and 1-3 kin high, magnificient landscape, sets of active faults, volcanoes, hot springs and specific wildlife including the largest condor habitat in the Andes. Article explores present and foreseen conflicts of making use of variety of environment resources. Mining areas, which are known only in buufer zone, and traditional agriculture do not engender important conflict. Constructions of Majes - Siguas hydrotechnical project is finished in this area. This caused local environment changes and lowered of Rio Colca water level. In author's opinion the biggest threat for Colca Canyon values is uncontrolled tourism development. Tourism developers do not care for environmental contrains and their activities result in loss of fundamental values and attractiveness of the area, it is landscape, geo- and biodiversity. Local authorities show great interest in developing the project of the Canyon Colca and Valley of Volcanoes National Park. Creation of park shall strengthen poor system of protected areas in Arequipa region.

Publikacje, które mogą Cię zainteresować

Idea ochrony Kanionu Colca i Doliny Wulkanów — Idea of protection of Rio Colca Canyon and Valley of Volcanoes / Andrzej GAŁAŚ, Andrzej PAULO // Geologia : kwartalnik Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie ; ISSN 0138-0974. — 2008 — t. 34 z. 2/1, s. 17–33. — Bibliogr. s. 29–31, Abstr. — Na s. tyt.: Polskie badania w Kanionie Colca i Dolinie Wulkanów
Planning the Colca Canyon and the Valley of the Volcanoes National Park in South Peru / Andrzej PAULO, Andrzej GAŁAŚ, Slávka GAŁAŚ // Environmental Earth Sciences ; ISSN 1866-6280. — 2014 — vol. 71 no. 3, s. 1021–1032. — Bibliogr. s. 1031–1032, Abstr.