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Sole niebieskie w kopalni Kłodawa — Blue salts in Kłodawa Salt Mine / Tomasz TOBOŁA, Lucyna NATKANIEC-NOWAK, Andrzej SZYBIST, Grzegorz Misiek, Sylwester Janiów // Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi = Mineral Resources Management ; ISSN 0860-0953. Przegląd Solny / Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi. Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Górnictwa Solnego. — 2007 — t. 23 z. spec. 1, s. 117–132, [1] k. — Bibliogr. s. 131, Streszcz., Abstr.

Autorzy (5)

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP36333
Data dodania do BaDAP2008-01-14
Rok publikacji2007
Typ publikacjiartykuł w czasopiśmie
Otwarty dostęptak
Czasopismo/seriaGospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management


The blue colour of halite has been a considerable interesting for scientists from various disciplines of science for long time. In spite of many experimental works and observations in the salt series, the origin and colouring factors of the blue colour in halite was not explained by now. The issue of its relationship with stratygraphy and tectonics of the salt series remains an open subject. Occurrence of the blue halite in the Kłodawa mine is relatively frequent. The Kłodawa salt dome is considered as the largest diapir in Poland. It is located in the central Poland and belongs to the Izbica Kujawska–Łęczyca salt ridge (Fig. 1). Studies of the diapir’s structure (Burliga 1998; Burliga et al 1995; Charysz 1973; Dadlez, Marek 1974; Poborski 1957, 1971; Tarka 1992) indicated that it is about 26 km long, from 0,5–2 km wide and elongates in NW-SE direction. The cross – sections show the asymmetrical shape of the diapir: its NE side dips moderately (55–70o) eastward but the SW side dips almost vertically (Fig. 2). It is surrounded by deformed Mesozoic (Triassic – Jurassic) and partly Tertiary deposits and covered by Quaternary and Tertiary sediments. The K³odawa salt deposit is mainly build of rocks which belong to fully developed PZ2-PZ4 cyclothems (Fig. 3). The lowermost unit (PZ1 cycle) consists of Copper Shale (T1), Zechstein Limestone (Ca1), Lower Anhydrite (A1d). This units are known only as tectonically transported blocks (Burliga et al. 1995, Kucia 1970). An occurrence of the Oldest Halite (Na1) is questionable due to its petrological similarity to the Older Halite (Na2). The internal structure of the K³odawa diapir is complicated as a result of salt series deformations. Piercing of Older Halite by Younger and the Youngest ones, tectonic tailing out, occurrence of narrow folds with high amplitude are the effect of deformations and resulted from various reological properties of rocks. Character and style of deformations change throughout the K³odawa diapir (Burliga 1994, 1997, 2006; Burliga, Misiek 1997; Charysz et al. 1975; Tarka 1992). In general outline, two anticlines elongated in NW-SE direction predominate in the SW and NE parts of diapir (Fig. 2). Anticlines are separated by the deep central syncline composed of the Youngest Halite layers. In the past two years, the Department of Deposit and Mining Geology of the University of Science and Technology has been conducting the works, under a grant from the Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), on the “Blue Salts and their Importance for the Determination of Geological and Mining Conditions in the Kłodawa Diapir.” It has been found that the blue salt concentrations appear in K³odawa almost on all mining levels in the various members of salt cycles PZ2, PZ3 and PZ4. They create highly diverse concentration forms, with respect to size or halite colour, the contact with the adjacent rocks, the occurrence of accompanying minerals etc. They can be found most often as single jets in halite crystals or streaks and spots measuring a dozen or several dozens centimetres. Such concentrations are most often connected with the thick-crystal or crystal salt, or various types of tectonic distortions, e.g. discontinuity of anhydrite layers. The most significant discoveries connected with concentration of blue halite are located at levels 562 and 600, chamber KS39, and in the ventilation gallery between chambers KS39 and KS38 (Phot. 1A, 1B, 1C). That is where large zones, with diverse volumes and concentration forms, were found. They are related to the occurrence of epigenetic veins of silvinites distributed in Older Salt (Na2). Among them, e.g. at the top of chamber KS39, one can see clear primary salt blocks from a dozen of centimetres to 2–3 metres. They are bordered by blue halite, sharply distinguished on the background of the surrounding rocks (Phot. 1C). It is probable that the vein of sylvinite with blue halite continues on the higher level e.g. 525, where the large zone of coarsely grained and crystal salt occurs (Fig. 4, Phot. 1D–1G). In that zone concentration of blue halite indicates great diversity in range from small single jets in singular halite crystals to the large streaks and spots. Similar large-sized discoveries of blue salts were found at the level 600 in the Younger Salt (Na3a) and the level 750 (Fig. 5, Phot 2B). In latter case, the blue halite crystals occur within the epigenetic veins of carnalities. These veins are distributed in the levels of Younger Potassium Salts (K3). Apart from the large concentrations of blue halite in the K³odawa mine, numerous small concentrations occur, as well. They are connected with different lithological parts in lithostratigraphic profile of deposit such as anhydrite, claystones, terrigenic-evaporatic sediments (Phot. 2C–2H). There is no doubt that the blue salt (halite) under discussion is epigenetic in nature. We can also state, with a high degree of probability, that the necessary conditions of such salt occurrence include close presence of potassium salts (silvinite) and dislocation zones which are potential paths of brine migration. The problem of the colouring factor or factors still remains. The authors express hope that their research results will bring them closer to full understanding of that complex issue.


Rzadko spotykane w œrodowisku naturalnym niebiesko i fioletowo zabarwione kryształy halitu budziły od dawna spore zainteresowanie środowisk naukowych. Pomimo licznych obserwacji terenowych i badań eksperymentalnych nie udało się do chwili obecnej jednoznacznie określić przyczyn takiego zabarwienia halitu. Jego występowanie i związek ze stratygrafią oraz tektoniką formacji solonoœnych także pozostaje zagadnieniem otwartym. W złożu soli kamiennej Kłodawa stosunkowo często spotykane są nagromadzenia niebieskiego halitu. Ich występowanie stwierdzono prawie na wszystkich poziomach kopalnianych, w różnych wydzieleniach litostratygraficznych cyklotemów PZ2, PZ3 oraz PZ4. Tworzą bardzo zróżnicowane petrologicznie i rozmiarowo formy skupień. Najczęściej współwystępują one bezpośrednio z solami kryształowymi, epigenetycznym sylwinem i karnalitem. Niezależnie od rodzaju i wielkości skupień barwa poszczególnych osobników jest niejednorodna. Dotyczy to zarówno jej występowania w obrębie danego kryształu, jak też odcienia oraz nasycenia. Przeprowadzone obserwacje w kopalni wykazały, że nagromadzenia te związane są ze strefami tektonicznymi o różnym charakterze i dynamice odkształceń. Stanowiły one drogi migracji dla roztworów, z których krystalizowały utwory epigenetyczne. Jednocześnie roztwory te oddziaływały na sole pierwotne powodując ich przeobrażenie i zabarwienie.

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