Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

Mineralogy and geochemistry of $Cu-Ni\pm Co\pm Ag\pm Bi$ polymetallic ores from the Hintermühlergang vein in the Chełmiec deposit, Sudetes Mountains, Poland / Kacper MUSZYŃSKI, Jaroslav PRŠEK, Sławomir MEDERSKI, Aneta Drzymała // Geological Quarterly ; ISSN 1641-7291. — 2023 — vol. 67 no. 3 art. no. 38, s. 1–13. — Bibliogr. s. 12–13, Abstr. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2023-11-23

Autorzy (4)

Słowa kluczowe

Chełmiechydrothermal mineralizationSudetytetrahedrite group mineralsgersdorffite-cobaltitesulpharsenides

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP151677
Data dodania do BaDAP2024-02-06
Tekst źródłowyURL
Rok publikacji2023
Typ publikacjiartykuł w czasopiśmie
Otwarty dostęptak
Creative Commons
Czasopismo/seriaGeological Quarterly


Chelmiec is a hy dro ther mal vein-type car bon ate-sul phide de posit in the Kaczawa Moun tains, where polymetallic Cu-Ni±Co±Ag±Bi min er al iza tion oc curs. Sam ples, col lected from an old dump of the Hintermühlergang vein, were stud ied by re flected light mi cros copy and elec tron microprobe. Two min eral parageneses, Ni-Co±Bi and Cu-Zn-Pb±Sb±Ag, as so ci ated with two stages of precip i ta tion, were dis cov ered in sam ples from the Che³miec de posit. The first stage is as so ci ated with quartz, and is rep re sented by pyrite, ar seno pyrite, gersdorffite, cobaltite, bis muth min er als (na tive Bi, bis muthi nite, and matildite), pyrrhotite, marcasite and chal co pyrite. The sec ond stage as so ci ated with sid er ite and quartz is rep re sented by sulphides (sphalerite, chal co pyrite, ga lena, py rite), tetrahedrite group min er als [tetrahedrite-(Fe), tetrahedrite-(Zn), ten nan-tite-(Zn), and argentotetrahedrite-(Fe)], gersdorffite and bour no nite. Two gen er a tions of sulpharsenides were dis cov ered in the sam ples stud ied. The first is rep re sented by mas sive gersdorffite-cobaltite ag gre gates, the sec ond gen er a tion oc curs as tiny zoned gersdorffite crys tals. Sulpharsenides are char ac ter ized lo cally by pres ence of high amounts of As (up to 1.55 apfu). Sil ver in the Che³miec ores is hosted mainly in tetrahedrite group min er als [from 0.07 to 2.07 apfu in tetrahedrite – (Zn) and-(Fe), and from 4.37 to 4.90 apfu in argentotetrahedrite-(Fe)], less in matildite. In the Sudetes, the pres ence of mas sive sulpharsenides is rare, whereas freibergite is much more com mon. © 2023, Polish Geological Institute. All rights reserved.

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Geochemistry of tetrahedrite group minerals and associated silver paragenesis in the Boguszów baryte deposit, Poland / Sławomir MEDERSKI, Jaroslav PRŠEK, Żaneta Niemasz // Geological Quarterly ; ISSN 1641-7291. — 2020 — vol. 64 iss. 4, s. 958–968. — Bibliogr. s. 966–968. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2020-10-14
Mineralogy and organic geochemistry of phyllite from the Dewon-Pokrzywna deposit, the Opava Mountains (SW Poland) / Natalia Sawicka, Janusz Janeczek, Monika Fabiańska, Krzysztof BAHRANOWSKI, Tomasz Krzykawski, Aniela Matuszewska // Geological Quarterly ; ISSN 1641-7291. — 2018 — vol. 62 no. 4, s. 817–828. — Bibliogr. s. 827–828. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2018-12-03