Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

Reasoning about ingredient substitutions with ontologies and rules / Weronika T. ADRIAN, Maciej Kutyła, Jędrzej Potoniec, Agnieszka Ławrynowicz // W: RuleML+RR-Companion 2023 ; RuleML+RR Challenge and Doctoral Consortium 2023 [Dokument elektroniczny] : proceedings of the 17th international rule challenge and 7th doctoral consortium @ RuleML+RR 2023 co-located with 19th reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2023) and 15th DecisionCAMP 2023 as part of Declarative AI 2023 : Oslo, Norway, 18 - 20 September, 2023 / eds. Jan Vanthienen, [et al.]. — Wersja do Windows. — Dane tekstowe. — [Germany : s. n.], [2023]. — (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; ISSN 1613-0073 ; vol. 3485). — S. [1–13]. — Bibliogr. s. [12–13], Abstr.

Autorzy (4)

Słowa kluczowe

knowledge representationInternet of Foodontologiesanswer set programminglogic programmingcomputational food

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP149974
Data dodania do BaDAP2023-12-01
Tekst źródłowyURL
Rok publikacji2023
Typ publikacjimateriały konferencyjne (aut.)
Otwarty dostęptak
Creative Commons
Czasopismo/seriaCEUR Workshop Proceedings


Preparing healthy and delicious meals requires knowledge about the process, nutritional properties of the ingredients, and their combinations. When we face the need for substitution in a dish, e.g., for allergic or dietary reasons, we should know how removing one element and adding another influences the resulting experience. The paper proposes an ontology-based model for reasoning about ingredient substitution in food recipes, enhanced with a logic programming component for constraint satisfaction and optimization. This opens up possibilities for computer-aided decision support in the area of substitute recommendation.