Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

Information potential of the spectral response of Polish soils, in the NIR range, in the light of LUCAS database analyses : soil properties vector model / Stanisław GRUSZCZYŃSKI // Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich = Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas / Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział w Krakowie. Komisja Technicznej Infrastruktury Wsi ; ISSN 1732-5587. — 2019 — no. II/1/2019, s. 95–104. — Bibliogr. s. 103–104, Abstr.


Słowa kluczowe

machine learning modelnear infrared spectroscopysoil properties prediction

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP125960
Data dodania do BaDAP2019-12-09
Tekst źródłowyURL
Rok publikacji2019
Typ publikacjiartykuł w czasopiśmie
Otwarty dostęptak
Creative Commons
Czasopismo/seriaInfrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich


The paper presents simple machine learning models used for prediction of some soil properties based on the NIR spectral response. Data on mineral soils from Poland were taken from the LUCAS dataset. Machine learning model was used that is included in the category of so-called multilayer perceptron (MLP). The MLP model input was a vector of combined, transformed inputs made by means of the PLSR (partial last squares regression) algorithm (45 inputs in total). The output was a vector of properties, reduced to 9 components due to poor modelling effects of the P and K components. The estimation errors for texture, soil organic carbon (SOC) and carbonates can be considered acceptable from the point of view of their suitability in the development of cartographic documentation. It can be supposed that further regionalization will improve these results.

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Accumulation of organic carbon in reclaimed soils : dumping grounds: Bełchatów, Machów, Turów / Stanisław GRUSZCZYŃSKI // Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich = Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas / Polska Akademia Nauk. Oddział w Krakowie. Komisja Technicznej Infrastruktury Wsi ; ISSN 1732-5587. — 2015 — nr IV/4, s. 1417–1436. — Bibliogr. s. 1435–1436, Summ.
An evaluation of some machine learning algorithms as tools for predicting soil characteristics based on their spectral response in the Vis-NIR range / Stanisław GRUSZCZYŃSKI // Geomatics and Environmental Engineering ; ISSN 1898-1135. — Tytuł poprz.: Geodezja oraz Inżynieria Środowiska. — 2021 — vol. 15 no. 1, s. 63–95. — Bibliogr. s. 92–95, Abstr.