Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

Statistical approach to diffraction of periodic and non-periodic crystals – review / Radosław STRZAŁKA, Ireneusz BUGAŃSKI, Janusz WOLNY // Crystals [Dokument elektroniczny]. — Czasopismo elektroniczne ; ISSN 2073-4352. — 2016 — vol. 6 iss. 9, [art. no.] 104, s. [1-19]. — Wymagania systemowe: Adobe Reader. — Tryb dostępu: [2016-09-27]. — Bibliogr. s. 17–19, Abstr. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2016-08-26

Autorzy (3)

Słowa kluczowe

statistical approachdiffraction patternquasi crystalsaverage unit cellaperiodic crystals

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP100710
Data dodania do BaDAP2016-09-27
Rok publikacji2016
Typ publikacjiprzegląd
Otwarty dostęptak
Creative Commons


In this paper, we show the fundamentals of statistical method of structure analysis. Basic concept of a method is the average unit cell, which is a probability distribution of atomic positions with respect to some reference lattices. The distribution carries complete structural information required for structure determination via diffraction experiment regardless of the inner symmetry of diffracting medium. The shape of envelope function that connects all diffraction maxima can be derived as the Fourier transform of a distribution function. Moreover, distributions are sensitive to any disorder introduced to ideal structure—phonons and phasons. The latter are particularly important in case of quasicrystals. The statistical method deals very well with phason flips and may be used to redefine phasonic Debye-Waller correction factor. The statistical approach can be also successfully applied to the peak’s profile interpretation. It will be shown that the average unit cell can be equally well applied to a description of Bragg peaks as well as other components of diffraction pattern, namely continuous and singular continuous components. Calculations performed within statistical method are equivalent to the ones from multidimensional analysis. The atomic surface, also called occupation domain, which is the basic concept behind multidimensional models, acquires physical interpretation if compared to average unit cell. The statistical method applied to diffraction analysis is now a complete theory, which deals equally well with periodic and non-periodic crystals, including quasicrystals. The method easily meets also any structural disorder.

Publikacje, które mogą Cię zainteresować

Statistical description of diffraction pattern of aperiodic crystals / J. WOLNY, I. BUGAŃSKI, Ł. PYTLIK, R. STRZAŁKA // Archives of Metallurgy and Materials / Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Metallurgy. Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science ; ISSN 1733-3490. — 2019 — vol. 64 iss. 2, s. 721–725. — Bibliogr. s. 725
fragment książki
Statistical description of diffraction pattern of aperiodic crystals / J. WOLNY, I. BUGAŃSKI, M. CHODYŃ, R. STRZAŁKA // W: CAC 2018 : XXIV Conference on Applied Crystallography : 2–6 September 2018, Arłamów, Poland : programme & abstracts. — [Poland : s. n.], [2018]. — Na okł. dod.: book of abstracts. — S. 55–56. — Bibliogr. s. 55–56