Szczegóły publikacji

Opis bibliograficzny

The preliminary research of the physico-mechanical properties of aggregates based on the colliery shale, supplemented by fly ash — Badania wstępne właściwości fizykomechanicznych kruszyw na bazie łupku przywęglowego z dodatkiem popiołu lotnego / Mateusz BLAJER, Agnieszka STOPKOWICZ, Justyna ADAMCZYK, Marek CAŁA // Archives of Mining Sciences = Archiwum Górnictwa ; ISSN 0860-7001. — 2019 — vol. 64 no. 1, s. 21–34. — Bibliogr. s. 32–34

Autorzy (4)

Słowa kluczowe

EN: physico-mechanical propertieswaste rockfly ash from fluidized bed boileraggregate mixes
PL: skała płonawłaściwości fizyczno-mechanicznemieszanki kruszywowo-popiołowepopiół lotny z kotła fluidalnego

Dane bibliometryczne

ID BaDAP121305
Data dodania do BaDAP2019-05-20
Tekst źródłowyURL
Rok publikacji2019
Typ publikacjiartykuł w czasopiśmie
Otwarty dostęptak
Creative Commons
Czasopismo/seriaArchives of Mining Sciences = Archiwum Górnictwa


The currently applicable legal provisions and also the economic concepts emphasize the importance of circular economy. In this aspect, it is very important to reduce the waste production respectively planning and running a business. Technical research is the key to finding a new applications for waste, in particular disposed on landfilling. Mining and energy industries belong to the biggest producers of waste in Poland. The total share of these two branches in waste production is up to 70% (mining and quarrying 53%; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supplay 17%). In environment, economy and social aspect, it is very important to develop this waste. The paper presents research on the physico-mechanical properties of the aggregates based on colliery shale supplemented by fly ash (20% - 40% supplement of fly ash). The following tests should be mentioned among performed: particle size distribution, the sand equivalent test, freeze resistance and direct shear tests. Also the chemical properties found in the literature was invoked. The research shows good physico-mechanical properties of the mixes, such as cohesion (44.62 kPa - 68.57 kPa) or internal firiction angle (34.74° - 40.52°). Though low resistance to weathering and a large susceptibility to frost heave (the mass loss after the freezing cycles is 76%) may limit its applicatin in road engineering. The sand equivalent tests were made only for aggregates. Tested materials shows usefulness for earthen structures. However, the research should be supplemented by chemical tests and also observations of the material properties changes as the effect of time. The research on the leachability of chemical pollutants, which will determine the acceptable share of ash in the mix, could be especially significant. The fact that fly ash contains a lot of sulphates and chlorides, which leach into the environment may pose a threat to living organisms.

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